Peintures à l'huile
Oil paintings
Christine Tzekova's paintings are protected by ADAGP Paris.
Christine Tzekova's paintings are protected by ADAGP Paris.
If you wish to buy a painting by Christine Tzekova-Christy, please write a message in the contact form.
Christine Tzekova aka Christy, Constant Energy, tous droits réservés/ all rights reserved, Adagp, Paris Prix de l'oeuvre sur demande/ Price of the work on request If you wish to buy this painting by Christine Tzekova-Christy, please write a message in the contact form. |
Christine Tzekova aka Christy, Home, tous droits réservés/ all rights reserved, Adagp, Paris Prix de l'oeuvre sur demande/ Price of the work on request If you wish to buy this painting by Christine Tzekova-Christy, please write a message in the contact form. |
Christine Tzekova aka Christy, Born to be virtuous, tous droits réservés/ all rights reserved, Adagp, Paris Prix de l'oeuvre sur demande/ Price of the work on request If you wish to buy this painting by Christine Tzekova-Christy, please write a message in the contact form. |
Christine Tzekova - CHRISTY, Rain, tempera et encre de chine, 32 x 24,5 cm, Paris, 2006.
Christine Tzekova - CHRISTY, Sweetie, tempera et encre de chine, 32 x 24,5 cm, Paris, 2006.